

Jen P Higgins

For over 2 decades, Jen has coached teams and individuals to work well with others by helping them align values and goals and teaching them how to communicate with seemingly opposing personalities.  

In 2007, Jen found herself navigating ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, and the sensory and dietary needs of her family, following fads and expert advice on how to "fix" her children.  Jen realized that... just like in the business teams she has helped... Everybody's Different and that difference is not a weakness or a label that defines you. That difference is a superpower unique to you that the world NEEDS, and the world only benefits from it when you are being true to yourself. 

Jen is the founder of Unbox University (UBU) for personal and professional support and accountability. She is an internationally certified Life Coach and Enneagram expert, but prefers to be known as the laid-back, fun mom who you can relax with and just Be You.